Computer Science (B.Sc.)

Ein Mann schaut zur Seite und hält ein Glas in der Hand.

Computer Science lies at
the {core} of all modern industries.

„Computer Science lies at the core of all modern industries, as computer systems and information technology are the basis for almost all of today’s production processes. Computer technology changes constantly but there are a number of fundamental principles underlying these technologies. The Computer Science program at Constructor University focuses on understanding these principles and their application in practice. In addition to courses dealing with core competencies (programming, software engineering, foundations of computer science), you will be covering mathematics (calculus, linear algebra, and statistics) and take courses in engineering and sciences whilst also conducting guided Research.“

Weitere Infos findet ihr auf der Website der Constructor University.

Zur Constructor University

Ein Mann schaut zur Seite und hält ein Glas in der Hand.

Computer Science and Software Engineering (B.Sc.) – Online Program

„The bachelor program in Computer Science and Software Engineering uses online education with high amounts of flipped-classroom elements. This means that students participate in online courses with pre-dominantly asynchronous lectures and exercise material, which are complemented by tutorials and hands-on sessions. Students are guided and supported by faculty as well as experienced tutors and lecturers to transfer the acquired knowledge into practice. The hands-on elements include high amounts of collaboration with other students, use of tools and concepts to engage in distributed work from different places in potentially different time-zones, and remote access to physical devices and set-ups.“

Weitere Infos findet ihr auf der Website der Constructor University.

Zur Constructor University


Alle Studiengänge der Constructor University werden in englischer Sprache unterrichtet. Dies ist im IT-Bereich ein besonders großer Vorteil, da der IT-Bereich durch englische Fachbegriffe und Literatur dominiert wird.  Auf dem Campus der Jacobs University leben und studieren Studierende aus allen Teilen der Welt. Dadurch erwerben sie quasi nebenbei eine hohe internationale soziale Kompetenz, was im Zeitalter der zunehmenden Globalisierung von immenser Bedeutung ist.