Data Engineering (M.Sc.)

Ein Mann sitzt an einem Schreibtisch mit einem Laptop und hat Kopfhörer auf.

“Drowning in a sea of {data.}

„Big data has turned out to have giant potential, but poses major challenges at the same time. On the one hand, big data is driving the next stage of technological innovation and scientific discovery. Accordingly, big data has been called the “gold” of the digital revolution and the information age. On the other hand, the global volume of data is growing at a pace which seems to be hard to control. In this light, it has been noted that we are “drowning in a sea of data”.

Faced with these prospects and risks, the world requires a new generation of data specialists. Data engineering is an emerging profession concerned with big data approaches to data acquisition, data management and data analysis. Providing you with up-to-date knowledge and cutting-edge computational tools, data engineering has everything that it takes to master the era of big data.“

Quelle: s. unten


Ein Mann sitzt an einem Schreibtisch mit einem Laptop und hat Kopfhörer auf.

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Constructor University