Industrial Engineering & Management (B.Sc.)
Industrial Engineering is one of the most {versatile and flexible} branches of engineering.
It has been said that engineers make things, whereas industrial engineers make things better. The B.Sc. Industrial Engineering & Management (IEM) program deals with both the creation and the management of systems that integrate people, materials and energy in productive ways. It covers topics such as process engineering, operations research, supply chain management, engineering design, logistics, project management, and others. During their studies at Jacobs University, students are equipped with the essentials of both the management and the engineering business functions and thus they are prepared for successful careers in industry.“
Quelle: s. unten
Alle Studiengänge der Constructor University werden in englischer Sprache unterrichtet. Dies ist im IT-Bereich ein besonders großer Vorteil, da der IT-Bereich durch englische Fachbegriffe und Literatur dominiert wird. Auf dem Campus der Constructor University leben und studieren Studierenden aus allen Teilen der Welt. Dadurch erwerben sie quasi nebenbei eine hohe internationale soziale Kompetenz, was im Zeitalter der zunehmenden Globalisierung von immenser Bedeutung ist.
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